How to Cook Trader Joe's Potstickers in the Air Fryer

We all love Trader Joe's, and their frozen potstickers are a delicious and convenient option for busy weeknights. But sometimes, the traditional pan-frying method can leave you with greasy pots and unevenly cooked potstickers. 

You all know by now just how much I love my air fryer, so it's no surprise it's my preferred method of cooking Trader Joe's Potstickers!

This recipe is perfect for anyone who loves potstickers (and who doesn't?). It's such an easy air fryer recipe that even anyone who is new to air fryers can achieve restaurant-quality results. Plus, it's a healthier option compared to deep-frying, requiring minimal oil for maximum flavor.

Let's get cooking!


  • Trader Joe's Frozen Chicken Gyoza Potstickers (or your favorite type of dumpling)

  • Avocado oil spray (or your preferred cooking spray)

  • Sesame seeds (optional, for serving)

  • Scallions, finely chopped (optional, for serving)

  • Your favorite dipping sauce (soy sauce, hoisin sauce, sweet chili sauce - the possibilities are endless!)


1. Preheat Power: Preheat your air fryer to 400°F (200°C) for 3 minutes. This ensures the air fryer is nice and hot for even cooking on your potstickers.

2. Prep the Basket: Lightly spray the air fryer basket with avocado oil spray to prevent sticking. This will create a non-stick surface for your potstickers.

3. Single Layer: Place the frozen potstickers in a single layer in the basket, making sure they are not touching. Overcrowding the basket can prevent them from crisping up properly.

4. Oil the Potstickers: Lightly spray the tops of the potstickers with avocado oil spray. This will help them achieve that beautiful golden brown color we all love.

5. Air Fry: Air fry the potstickers at 400°F (200°C) for a total of 7 minutes. Resist the urge to peek!

6. Air Fry: Air fry the potstickers at 400°F (200°C) for a total of 7 minutes. Resist the urge to peek!

7. Flip: At the halfway point (after about 3-4 minutes), carefully flip the potstickers using tongs or a spatula for even cooking. This ensures both sides get crispy and golden brown.

8. Remove From Air Fryer: Once the potstickers are golden brown and crispy, remove them from the air fryer. You can check for doneness by looking for an internal temperature of 165°F (74°C).

9. Garnish: Garnish with sesame seeds and finely chopped scallions if desired. This adds a pop of color and texture to your delicious creation.

10. Choose Your Sauce: Serve immediately with your favorite dipping sauce. Soy sauce with a touch of rice vinegar is a classic choice, but feel free to experiment! Hoisin sauce, sweet chili sauce, or even a spicy mayo sauce are all great options.

Jazz's Tips and Tricks:

  • Preheat: Always preheat your air fryer before adding your potstickers. This ensures even cooking and crispy results.

  • Spray: Spray the bottom of the air fryer basket to prevent sticking, and then spray the tops of the potstickers for a golden brown color.

  • Flip: Flipping the potstickers halfway through cooking ensures they cook evenly and get crispy on both sides.

  • Temperature: For a crispier bottom, you can try lowering the temperature to 375°F (190°C) and increasing the cooking time by a minute or two in minute increments. Experiment to find your perfect crisp level!

  • Leftovers: Store leftover potstickers in an airtight container in the fridge for up to 3 days. Reheat them in the air fryer at 350°F (175°C) for 2-3 minutes, or until warmed through.

Which Air Fryer Do I Like?

Looking for a versatile and stylish air fryer? Check out my review of the Our Place Wonder Oven! This compact and retro-looking 6-in-1 Wonder Oven is about to revolutionize your cooking game. Read all about it here: Our Place Wonder Oven Review.

Best Cooking Oil for Air Fryers

Choosing the right oil for your air fryer can help you achieve perfectly cooked food. Learn more in this blog post: Best Cooking Spray for Air Fryers

Looking for a great cooking spray? I recommend this Avocado Oil Spray Here.

Why Air Fry Your Potstickers?

There are many reasons why the air fryer is the best way to cook potstickers. Here are just a few:

Crispness: The air fryer circulates hot air around the potstickers, ensuring they cook evenly and develop a delicious crispy exterior. This is a major advantage over pan-frying, which can leave you with soggy bottoms and unevenly cooked potstickers.

Minimal Cleanup: The air fryer basket is easy to clean, and you don't need to use a ton of oil. This is a huge plus compared to traditional pan-frying, which can leave you with a greasy mess to clean up.

Less Oil Required: The air fryer uses little to no additional oil to cook the potstickers. This makes it a healthier option compared to pan-frying, which requires a significant amount of oil to achieve a crispy result.


What Kind of Dipping Sauce Should I Use?

While your air-fried potstickers are crispy and golden brown, you might be wondering what dipping sauce to pair them with. The answer is: there's no wrong answer! It all depends on your personal preference. Here are a few popular options to get you started:

  • Classic Soy Sauce: A simple and delicious option. You can add a little rice vinegar or a squeeze of fresh lime juice for a bit of tang.

  • Hoisin Sauce: This thick and flavorful sauce is a staple in Chinese cuisine. It has a sweet, savory, and slightly garlicky flavor that pairs perfectly with potstickers.

  • Sweet Chili Sauce: This is a great option for those who like a little bit of heat. Sweet chili sauce is made with chilies, sugar, and vinegar, and it has a sweet and spicy flavor that will tantalize your taste buds.

  • Spicy Mayo Sauce: This creamy and flavorful sauce is a delicious twist on the classic mayonnaise. You can find it pre-made at most grocery stores, or you can easily make your own at home using my recipe here!

  • Other Options: Don't be limited to these suggestions! Get creative and try other dipping sauces that you enjoy, such as sriracha, sesame oil, or even your favorite BBQ sauce.

Additional Tips:

  • When reheating leftover potstickers, they may not crisp up quite as much as they did when you first cooked them. To help them crisp up a bit, you can mist them lightly with a little avocado oil spray before reheating them in the air fryer.

  • Trader Joe's offers not only chicken potstickers but also veggie potstickers. These can be cooked using the same method as the chicken potstickers.

  • Not all air fryers are created equal. If you find that your potstickers are cooking too quickly or too slowly, you may need to adjust the cooking time or temperature slightly.


  • While I recommend avocado oil spray in the recipe for the high smoke point, a light spray of vegetable oil will also work. However, when cooking at home, I prefer using olive oil or avocado oil because of its anti-inflammatory properties.

  • You bet! Air-fried potstickers are a delicious and healthy side dish for a variety of meals. Serve them alongside stir-fry, noodles, or even grilled chicken or fish.

  • Nope! A regular cooking spray can be used. Look for a non-stick cooking spray for best results. My favorite is Chosen Foods 100% Pure Avocado Oil!

  • Certainly! The air fryer is a great game changer for cooking all sorts of dumplings, including egg rolls, vegetable potstickers, and even wontons. Experiment with different types of dumplings to find your favorites!

  • Here are a couple of tips:

    1. Preheat your air fryer: This ensures the air is hot enough to quickly crisp up the bottoms of the potstickers.

    2. Try a lower temperature: If your potstickers are browning too quickly on top before the bottoms are crispy, try lowering the cooking temperature by 25°F (12°C) and increasing the cooking time by a few minutes in minute increments. ️

I hope this blog post has helped you learn how to cook delicious and crispy potstickers in your air fryer. With this easy recipe and some helpful tips, you'll be a potsticker pro in no time!


Trader Joe's Potstickers in the Air Fryer

Trader Joe's Potstickers in the Air Fryer

Prep time: 3 MinCook time: 7 MinTotal time: 10 Min
Craving crispy Trader Joe's potstickers? Skip the pan! Air fry them for perfectly golden & delicious results in just 10 minutes.


  • Trader Joe’s Frozen Chicken Gyoza Potstickers
  • Avocado oil spray
  • Sesame seeds (optional, for serving)
  • Scallions, finely chopped (optional, for serving)
  • Your favorite dipping sauce (optional, for serving)


  1. Preheat your air fryer to 400°F (200°C) for 3 minutes.
  2. Lightly spray the air fryer basket with avocado oil spray to prevent sticking.
  3. Place the frozen chicken gyoza potstickers in a single layer in the basket, ensuring they are not touching.
  4. Lightly spray the tops of the potstickers with avocado oil spray.
  5. Air fry the potstickers at 400°F (200°C) for a total of 7 minutes.
  6. At the halfway point (after about 3-4 minutes), carefully flip the potstickers to ensure even cooking.
  7. Once the potstickers are golden brown and crispy, remove them from the air fryer.
  8. Garnish with sesame seeds and finely chopped scallions if desired.
  9. Serve immediately with your favorite dipping sauce.

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Hey, I’m Jazz

I’m a nutritional therapist practitioner and spent 3 years as a personal chef to NBA athletes. Follow along for easy, attainable and healthy recipes in under 30 minutes!


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