Baby Registry Must-Haves (Jazz's Top Picks)

Baby Registry Must-Haves (Jazz's Top Picks)

Throughout my entire pregnancy, truly the most overwhelming part, was creating the baby registry. I felt like I did not know what 90% of the products were for, and I was overwhelmed with what to add to my baby registry list.

I had two of my cousins who had recently had kids send me their registry. I have to say, it helped a ton to see what was on their lists, but I still couldn’t figure out what the heck these baby products meant. 

I ended up taking my cousin out to lunch with my laptop. My goal was to go through the list of items that I needed and have her explain what it was and why I needed it. Needless to say, it was extremely helpful.

I was looking far and wide for some sort of blog or a clearly written list of the actual baby registry items that are helpful to add to a baby registry, but I couldn’t find one. 

My hope is to simplify it for you and bring you a list of the baby items from my registry that I actually genuinely used. 

To be honest with you, there were a lot of things that were a waste of money and ended up being used only once or twice. 

This list will be for a combo, feeding mom, which means that you are both breast-feeding, pumping, and also formula feeding. Please note that every baby is truly different, so I am simply sharing my top baby registry picks based on experience and what worked for us!

Let’s get to it!


BabyBjorn Balance Soft Baby Bouncer

This is crucial! Wow. We used this every single day for hours on end. It's a must-have item. This is comfortable, it bounces, and it’s a great compact upright chair for baby. Babies need to be upright after feeding, so you can’t just give them milk & lay them back down. Unless you plan on holding your baby for 100% of the time, this is absolutely needed as an extra set of hands. I would take work meetings while baby was in here, and I would gently bounce her with my food for an hour. She would fall asleep in it a lot, too. It also folds up, so you can take it with you anywhere. I literally think this is the baby item we used most. You need it.

BabyBjorn Baby Carrier Mini

The wraps did not work for me. They were too complicated to do by myself. I bought a few of them thinking, “Oh, this is what everyone uses on social media,” and boy, was I wrong. It just annoyed me, and I needed something easier. This carrier is already set up, so you just pop the baby into it & go along with your day. She would give me the longest naps while she was being worn.

It’s great for baby upright time. So if you finish feeding the baby and need them to be upright, you can just pop them in there & start doing whatever you need to. I would work, prep some food, fold laundry, and just clean up around the house while wearing the carrier. We also still use it when we go out for groceries, farmers markets, the mall, or anywhere. She faces outward now so she can see everything going on. It’s comfortable & very easy to wear. My husband loves it, too.


Infant Optics Digital Video Monitor DXR-8 Pro

You need a baby monitor. We actually put our daughter in her own room at 2 weeks old (game changer). And we mounted the monitor to the wall & watched her if she fussed. It was an easy way to see if her eyes were open or closed. I have never had another monitor, so I don’t have anything to compare it to. But this has not given us any problems & it’s easy to use!

Hushh Portable Sound Machine

Baby needs a white noise sound machine. They sleep better when the other noises are muted. In hindsight, I wish we had 4 of these… One for her room, one for the car, one for the stroller, and one for the travel bag, lol. It’s portable, super tiny, and makes a good amount of noise. We use it like the bible. Can’t go anywhere with it.

SNOO The Smart Sleeper Bassinet

I didn’t get this to start. We got a regular bedside bassinet. But after 2 weeks of ZERO sleep as new parents, we splurged. Let me tell you, the moment we put her in the SNOO, she was zipped up in her swaddle & it started moving side to side and putting her right to sleep. When she would get fussy throughout the night, the SNOO would increase in volume and side-to-side motion to put her back to sleep. Our lives were changed the moment we got it! It’s like having a night nurse. Read more about my experience with the SNOO here.


Steel Diaper Pail

Babies diapers smell bad, so wherever you have a changing table, it's a good idea to have a specific diaper pale. I have the Ubbi diaper pail. You can use the trash bags that are made for it, or just use regular large kitchen trash bags (they are cheaper). Since we have two changing tables, one upstairs and one downstairs, we have 2 diaper pails!

Indi Neoprene Diaper Backpack

I got the size large. Ok, so when you go places with your baby, you need to bring a ton of stuff. And it’s helpful to have all of that stuff in one space. This one is washable, so if you get poop or spit up on it, you can toss it in the wash. It has clips you can pop onto the bag so it hangs on your stroller. It also has a few pouches on the inside that are helpful for organization. 

Note that you need the changing pad, too, as it doesn’t come with one! 

Diaper Caddies

It’s helpful to have some caddies with handles so you can put all of your diapering things in there for when you are home. Some people like to do diaper changes on any surface they are on, so this is helpful to bring a diaper caddy with you anywhere in the house. Plus, it keeps things organized.

I have 3 of these: one for upstairs, one for downstairs, and one for my pump & parts. Very helpful.


UPPAbaby Vista V2 and Mesa V2 Travel System

My husband is the king of research. Literally, he will spend days and days researching, watching YouTube videos, and talking to everyone to try to get all of the information. I gave him the task of figuring out which stroller/car seat we should get. And through all of his research, this one was the best for a growing family (God willing)! Yes, it’s pricey. But it is so easy to use. The combo includes 3 things - the base of the stroller, the car seat, and the bassinet. The stroller folds up so quickly and easily with the press of a single button.

The best part is that the car seat just pops out of the base & pops onto the stroller. You can eventually get the attachment to add 2 different configurations for a double stroller. I go on a ton of walks; from months 1 - 6, I probably walked with Olive in the bassinet for over 1 and a 1/2 hours a day. She would sleep in the bassinet & I would walk outside to try to get fresh air. It’s smooth, and really easy to pop the bassinet in and out. The handle also adjusts for taller folks (my husband is 6’2), so he takes her on walks without breaking his back or bending down. 

Just remember you need to also get the base. It’s really easy to install, and it takes my husband about 10 seconds to install it into the car., making it very easy to switch cars. 

This caddy is also helpful for phones, keys, drinks, sunglasses, sunscreen, and burp cloths. I survived without it for 2 weeks, but I desperately needed it. I didn’t like putting those things in the bassinet with the baby. I wanted to have easy access to it!

Shynerk Baby Car Mirror

Since the baby's car seat faces backward, you need a mirror on the seat so you can see them in your rearview mirror. Trust me. You’re driving & they stopped making noise. You want to see if they fell asleep or if they are ok. It’s easy to take on and off, too, so just get 1 and rotate it between cars if necessary.


My Brest Friend: Original Nursing Pillow

If you are planning on breastfeeding, I was really happy with this pillow. Basically, when you breastfeed, you will need to hold the baby up towards your nipple. If you don't have support, your arms will burn like heck. This pillow allowed me to breastfeed & also feel comfortable with baby's positioning.

It buckles on your waist & has little divots for the baby's neck and head. It’s really comfortable and snug. It also has a pocket where you can put snacks or water. I honestly wore it around me when I was going upstairs and downstairs. The cover also comes off, so you can easily wash it when you get spit up on it. It’s great for assisted tummy time, too. 


Spectra S1 Plus Portable & Rechargeable Hospital Strength Double Electric Breast Pump

Everyone needs a pump. I didn’t understand why. But it’s because everyone's milk supply is different. In order to make milk, your body needs to understand how much the baby will be drinking. So, the more you pump, the more milk you make.  I became an exclusive pumper very quickly when Olive stopped taking the boob (sad day). But one regret was that I didn't have the portable pump. I wanted to be able to pump in any room, on any couch, on any desk, on any bed, and I couldn't with the plug-in one.

So I recommend this rechargeable breast pump. It’s really powerful & I was always really happy with the amount of milk I made (note: I pumped so much). Insurance also either gives you a pump or reimburses you for a pump, so try to get this through insurance!

Bottle Feeding

Baby Brezza Formula Dispenser Machine

If you are planning on combo feeding or exclusively formula feeding, you need this. We didn’t have this until about 5 months in. That’s when I started to give more formula. My biggest regret was not getting it sooner. Think of it as a coffee machine for formula. Set your ounces and your desired temperature & press the button. Works with all formula brands and is really easy to use. Has saved us so much hassle!

Boon Lawn Countertop Baby Bottle Drying Rack

You need a drying rack that will live on your counter if you are bottle-feeding at all. The countertop bottle rack holds multiple shapes and sizes of bottles as they dry. You can easily clean it, too. 

You may find it helpful to have a twig too. It goes on the lawn. This is especially helpful for nipples and heads of bottles.

Bottle Brushes

You need a ton of these bottle brushes, like a ton. It’s just like a sponge, and it gets those bottles & crevices really clean.


I am not going to recommend one bottle. Just because every single baby is different, and you have no idea which one your baby will like. Babylist has a baby bottle box with 5 different baby bottles. Save your money and get that one to try all the different bottles to see which one they will like. Once you know, then go crazy to buy that kind of bottle.

Burp Cloths

You need a lot of these. If you don’t want to do laundry every 3 days, get like 40 or 50 burp cloths. Keep it everywhere in the house, in the car, in the diaper bag, by the car seat, and in the stroller.

Fun fact: babies spit up a lot (at least ours does). 

Bath Time

Moby Smart Sling 3-Stage Bath Tub

Babies take baths. And you actually need to bathe them, lol. So, the mesh sling insert in this is perfect for newborns because it helps them be cradled while they bathe. The sling comes out, and then it turns into a mini tub for babies. It's small enough to be hung on the shower, and it is large enough to fit a good-sized baby. Olive is almost 20 lbs, and she still fits in it very comfortably.

If you will be bathing a baby in a tub, it may be helpful to get this set. It comes with some cushions for your elbows and knees. 

Baby Shampoo and Body Wash

I used Cetaphil, and it worked well for our daughter, who has extremely sensitive skin.

Bath Washcloths

Again, get a good amount of these, so you don’t have to do laundry often.


Fisher-Price Deluxe Kick & Play Piano Gym Playmat

Great play gym mat that is affordably priced, plays music, and is very portable. Great for tummy time and sitting up! 

Things They Use After 6 Months

Shopping Cart and Restaurant High Chair Cover

Once they can sit upright on their own, you’ll start putting them in a shopping cart or a restaurant high chair. And to be honest, those things are disgusting with germs (I am a germaphobe). So by having this cover, it’s a great way to place it on the cart & put baby on it. Olive loves hers because it comes with a dangly toy she chews on the whole time lol.

High Chair

Babies need to eat in a high chair. It’s really important for safety. It is more expensive, but it grows with your baby. You can adjust the seat depth and footrest so it supports your child’s back, upper leg, and lower leg. It has a curved seat to allow your child to sit in a natural, fully supported position without placing stress on the developing spine. The comfortable safety harness allows you peace of mind while your little one eats meals with you. 

For more information on my experience with the high chair, read about it here. 

Inglesina: Fast Table Chair

When you travel, your baby needs a place to sit when they start eating solids. It doesn't make sense to bring your huge bulky high chair. So this baby chair attaches directly to the edge of the table and allows baby to sit with you. It folds up, making it highly portable and easy to use. I just keep it in my travel suitcase. The seat cover is washable and it’s also padded, so baby is comfortable! 

Lolly 3-in-1 Convertible Crib with Toddler Bed Conversion Kit

Your baby will eventually move into their own bed (if you are not co-sleeping), so you will need a crib for them! This one is minimal, sustainable and converts to a toddler daybed, so it can grow with you. It’s made with all non-toxic materials, which was important to us since baby is spending so much time in it!

Waterproof Breathable Crib Mattress

It can be a little weird when babies sleep on their bellies, so I wanted to opt for a breathable mattress. Which means you can stick your face in it and still breathe. It’s the only washable and waterproof mattress too. So, it’s great for transitioning to toddler years. It’s really comfortable too!!

Safety 1st Ready, Set, Walk Dx Developmental Walker

This is great for 7+ months when baby starts to be able to hold their head up and play!

Other Random Things

  • Lovevery Play Kits - these were the best. They send you Montessori toys based on babies' development every few months. So you get a new set of toys every 3 months, with cards to help them develop. We honestly never had to buy toys because of this. 

  • Baby thermometer

  • Baby Tylenol 

  • Diapers, but don’t buy too many of the same brand. Ours got rashes with a certain brand, so we had to give away all of the diapers we bought & go with another brand.

  • Wipes - Or just use water wipes

  • Baby Milicon - It's gas relief for babies. It worked really well for us when baby needed to relieve gas.

  • Changing pad - we didn’t go with anything fancy. We are really happy with the simple changing pad with covers. Easy peasy! Save your money on other things. 

  • Mesh food feeder - These are great when the baby is teething (around 4-6 months). You can put breastmilk in it and freeze it, or you can put fruits and veggies in it so they can suck on it!

If you have any questions, just leave them in the comments, and I will be sure to answer! Good luck, it’s such an exciting time!


Hey, I’m Jazz

I’m a nutritional therapist practitioner and spent 3 years as a personal chef to NBA athletes. Follow along for easy, attainable and healthy recipes in under 30 minutes!


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